Paper instructions:
Your assignment is to provide an organized written history of terrorism in the United States. You are to summarize using the below noted sub-topics. Each of the below sub-topics should be a minimum of 400 – 600
words and the total final written project should be no less than 2,400 words:
1. Historical Roots (i.e., when and where did terrorism begin in the U.S.?)
2. Motives (i.e., what were the prime motivators of terrorists throughout U.S. history?)
3. Methods (i.e., what types of terror methods and technology have been used, for what purpose?)
4. Historical Context (i.e., what worldly events precipitated major terrorist activities in the United States?)
5. What common themes and/or unique characteristics from previous terror events in history around the world
that have been used in the U.S.
* Don’t forget to provide a minimum 200 word introduction and conclusion to your paper. Write in narrative
form, do not use bullets.
I encourage you to use reputable outside sources to complete this assignment. Use APA format to document
these sources. Your research paper should be single-spaced, using Times or Times New Roman, 12-point font.
Margins of your paper should be one-inch (1″) on all sides.
Do not copy information from any assigned articles or other sources. Your job is to read, identify important
themes and/or concepts and provide, in your own words, a comprehensive review of main categories listed
below. You should take detailed notes and organize your notes prior to drafting your assignment.
Your grade will be based on the following criteria:
1. Use of proper format (i.e., single-spaced, Times or Times Roman, 12-point font, etc.)
2. Sufficiency of information (Length: minimum 400 words/maximum 600 words for each sub-topic;
minimum 2,400 words for the final paper)
3. Ability to explain the primary theme and major concepts of each of the noted sub-topic areas
4. Ability to synthesize information
5. Ability to properly research and cite/refer to accurate conceptual points
6. Technical writing skills (spelling, grammar, etc.)
Proper referencing and citation of credible literary sources
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